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WATTS 009 3/4-1" RV SPRING

WATTS 009 3/4-1" RV SPRING #586

Watts Water Technologies

Items in stock ship same day if ordered by 3:30pm PST, Monday-Friday.
Model Series:
009 / LF009 1/4" - 3"
Model Group:
009 / LF009 1/4" - 3"
Model Size:
Model Size:
Spec Sheet:
Manufacturer Spec Sheet
Packing Slip Description:
WATTS 009 3/4-1" RV SPRING
PDP Heading:
WATTS 009 3/4-1" RV SPRING
Catalog Product Description:
Relief Valve Spring
Repair Guide
Resources Ref Manual:
Reference Manual
Resources Repair Info:
Repair Info

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WATTS 009 3/4-1" RV SPRING

Model Overview

This is a reduced pressure assembly. Production began in 1989. All versions in the 1/2"-2" sizes utilize a bronze body design. In 2010 the LF model was introduced which utilizes a lead free bronze body design. The check modules and relief stem assembly can be removed from the top through a single cover. The checks are a modular in-line design and are held in the body by a retainer. All seats are replaceable. Check springs are contained when the modules are removed from the body. Spring tension had to be released to perform a proper repair. There is spring tension exerted on the cover from the relief valve spring. There have been several modifications over the years but all versions utilize a similar construction. Be sure which version and size you have because repair parts are different. The 009 was the original model that was produced from 1989-1991. It was modified in 1991 to the 009 M1 model in sizes 1 1/4"-2" which was produced from 1991-1992. In the 009 M1 model there was a change in the check seat dimensions. The 009 M2 design began in 1992. The major difference in the M2 design was the downsizing of the body and the internal repair parts. Relief valve sensing line is internal on all models. Internal check hardware is mostly plastic. The 1/2" model 009 was introduced in 1992. The 3/4" 009M3 began in 1998. A model U009 was developed in sizes 1/2"-2". This unit incorporates a union end into the body. The U009A utilizes the same union with a 90 degree elbow for an up and down piping orientation. The model 009 PC is a polymer coated bronze assembly available in sizes 3/4"-2". The model SS 009 is available in 1/4"-1" sizes and is similar to the 009 except the body is made of stainless steel instead of bronze. The 2 1/2"-3" have the same features as the smaller 009 except the body is made of fused epoxy coated cast iron. The relief valve sensing line is external on 2 1/2"-3". The internal check and RV hardware are mostly bronze. In 2010 a LF model was introduced in sizes 2 1/2"-3" which replaced the leaded bronze parts with plastic and stainless steel to make it a lead free assembly.

Model Series:
009 / LF009 1/4" - 3"
Packing Slip Description:
WATTS 009 3/4-1" RV SPRING
Watts Water Technologies

Reference Manual

Repair Info

Model Group:
009 / LF009 1/4" - 3"
Model Size:
Model Size: